Listen to Dorine Dresser's talk about how to use people's names accross cultures and answer the questions below.
To see the video in Videojug, click HERE
To download the script and vocabulary and VIDEO, go HERE
do you use the first name to address people and when do you use the last name? Exlplain
your choices.
2. What
are the naming rules in your country?
( (Naming rules may refer to the order of last names, choice of the last name, use mother or father's first name as part of the baby's name, etc)
Explain the rules and reflect on the implications of using a naming system as opposed to another.
Explain the rules and reflect on the implications of using a naming system as opposed to another.
. 3. Norine
Dresser says “we are very individualistic and competitive but in cultures
that are more community oriented, complimenting doesn’t work”.
Can you
explain this statement?
4. Definitely our culture is very different from the Asian ones and Norine Dresser had to find a way to understand and to be understood by her students.
What would you have done if you had been in her shoes?
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