This ad belongs to a series created by Anchor dairy. The slogan of the campaign is “Made by Cows”, which advertisers take in a literal sense.
The spot provides a light-hearted look at butter production. Animals are making butter in a human fashion.
To download the materials, click the linkS below.
Aim 1: students watch a "fun" video of workers (cows actually) working at a factory.
Aim 2: extension. Students practice pronunciation by reading a buttery tongue twister NEW!!
Suggested procedure:
- Elicit vocabulary related to factory tasks before watching the video.
- Students watch the video and describe the processes/write down the process.
Cows cross the gate while supervised by the factory guard, who is at the lodge.
Cows clock on/ clock in.
Cow with white helmet pushes a lever and sets machine to work.
You can download the materials for the Ad by clicking HERE
You can download the materials for the EXTENSION by clicking HERE
Materials for the AD:
- The commercial: You can watch the video online or donwload it to your USB.
- Teacher's help: You can download the sequence of actions I have written to help you remember what the cows are doing throughout the ad.
EXTENSION: Aim: students have fun while listening and reading the Betty Botter bought some butter tongue twister
Click HERE to download the materials for the Extension
Materials for the Extension :
- The Better Botter tongue twister (you can just project it on the whiteboard)
- Teachers instructions
- Internet access if you want students to listen to the words using the Howjsay page or use the Teleprompter.Remember that you should download the videos to your memory stick from the link I provide.Do this if your school connection is not reliable or internet access to youtube is limited due to school policies.
Suggested procedure.
Pre-reading tasks
A) Key words
If you are not a native speaker you may want your students to hear the similar sounding sounds by using the Howjsay page by clicking HERE and introducing the words:
Bitter, butter, batter, better,
You may want your students to be aware of the different IPA symbols:
Bitter butter, batter, better,
bɪtə bʌtə ˈbætə ˈbetə
B) Model the pronunciation.
You may want to use this video for modelling the pronunciation. This teacher of English reads the poem several times at different speeds. I suggest you stop after the second reading.
Remember that if your connection is not reliable, you can download the videos by clicking HERE
Remember that if your connection is not reliable, you can download the videos by clicking HERE
C) Students practice the pronunciation in pairs
D) Students listen to a rap song based on this children's tongue twister . This song has been adapted by an English teacher called Henry III.
Allow the students to listen to the song. Student should join in in second 0:59, just after the singer says 'll get on with it.
If you wan to see the lyrics of the full song, remember that all materials for the Extension are available by clicking HERE
Remember that by using a teleprompter you can copy and paste any text so that the students read it at the speed you want them to!!
You may use this teleprompter HERE
Thanks to Christine Wilson, our teacher trainier at the British Council 2013 workshop for providing me with this idea.
Can I use some of the content from your site on mine? I will make sure to link back to it :)
Hello Anonymous
Of course, you're free to use and link these materials. Just don't forget to quote my name and/or the source!!
Thank you very much for your excellent thoughts. I really like your training school
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